What Is Superstitious Behavior And Can It Be A Problem?
Superstition is a series of beliefs or ideas that are based on cultural biases and perceptions rather than reason or logic. These tend to be ominous in nature, and usually focus on a particular item, circumstance, situation, or other such thing. Superstitions can even differ from person to person.
Most people engage in some form of superstitious behavior or thinking at some point in time, which is generally harmless. For example, one may avoid picking up a coin on the sidewalk if it’s heads down because they were told as children that it would cause bad luck — whether they believe that that’s actually true or not. As long as it doesn’t disrupt someone's life or cause distress, these things are not likely a cause for concern.
What is superstitious behavior?
An example would look like this: You're walking down the street, and a black cat approaches you. Minutes later, you cross the street and nearly get hit by a bus. You attribute this incident to the presence of the black cat and henceforth avoid all black cats. The reason you're making this illogical association may be the common belief that black cats bring bad luck or are omens of such. Your near accident positively reinforced this belief. In this context, avoiding all black cats is superstitious behavior.
According to Damish et al. (2010), who did a meta-analysis on the effect of superstitions on performance, superstitions may benefit those who practice them due to the fact that they “[boost] participants' confidence in mastering upcoming tasks, which in turn improves performance.” It is rather common behavior for many people to rely on superstitious routines and practices for good luck daily.
According to Stuart Vyse, an American psychologist and author of Believing in Magic: The Psychology of Superstition, superstitious behaviors have a purpose. "They … come from the uncertainty of life — if you have something you desire that you cannot make sure will happen, you might engage in superstitious behavior." Superstitions often provide the illusion of control, which may explain why they offer us a reprieve from uncertainty in life.
What is the prevalence of superstitious beliefs?
A survey conducted in the USA in 2014 demonstrated that the majority of Americans don't believe in most superstitions. According to this research, the most-believed superstition is that finding a penny brings good luck, with approximately one-third of Americans believing this. One-quarter of the respondents believed that it's bad luck for a bride to see a groom just before the wedding. The least popular belief was that stepping on a crack will bring bad luck, with only 7% of respondents adhering to this belief.
Potential benefits of superstitious behavior
One study demonstrated that superstitions about one's behavior could be efficacious. Some psychological benefits have also been reported in high-level athletes, who utilize rituals before a game. An analysis conducted in 2006 revealed that athletes commit more to pre-game rituals when the game is more important and the outcome is more unsure.
Most studies, however, prove no efficacy of superstitious behavior in general.
When is superstitious behavior harmful?
Superstitious behavior in itself is usually harmless and can be viewed as an innocuous way to control anxiety over uncertainty. However, if the superstitious behavior at hand is a compulsion that interferes with a person's ability to function every day, it may be indicative of a greater concern, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and superstitious behavior
One of the most common anxiety disorders, OCD is mostly defined by its symptoms. These are characterized by obsessive thoughts, images, impulses, or ideas, and subsequent compulsive behavior.
Obsessions are unwanted thoughts, ideas, or images. Some people may experience a form of obsession — or what they may call an obsession — at some point in their life (think infatuation with a partner or intensely following a sports team), but this usually does not arise to what a person who lives with OCD experiences. The fixations can be debilitating and cause great anxiety, to the point where the person engages in compulsions.
Compulsive behavior in OCD is an attempt to find relief from the thoughts or fears that occur. It often constitutes engagement in a specific continuous and repetitive action, like hand washing, pacing, locking and unlocking doors, and so on. The compulsion doesn't have to directly relate to the obsession. Compulsions can cause an individual to feel pain, guilt, remorse, anxiety, and grief, and they may take up a significant amount of time or mental and psychological space. However, the fear of stopping compulsions is typically very strong.
What is OCD behavior and is it the same as superstitious behavior?
In obsessive-compulsive disorder, you will usually notice one or more of the following traits:
- An obsession of some kind, which can be related to cleanliness, relationships, etc.
- Repetitive behavior, such as praying, counting, checking of locks, doors, and windows, etc.
- Hoarding of objects.
Behavior in those who live with this condition can appear ritualistic, and scientists have speculated that superstition and OCD are linked. One hallmark of OCD is that the compulsions are uncontrollable and often recognized as not being productive by the client. Belief, on the other hand, drives superstitious behavior.
There is also an indication of a neurological aspect to OCD behavior vs. superstitious behavior. In an article published in Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, Brugger (Ph.D.) and Viaud-Delmon (Ph.D.) state: "We propose that the origin of superstitious rituals in OCD primarily involves the basal ganglia ‘habit system,’ including its connections with the … frontal cortex. Dysfunction of this neural circuitry is prominent in clients with OCD and OC-spectrum disorders. It is responsible for behavioral routines … and the client typically recognizes irrationality. Nonetheless, recognition of the senselessness of the repetitive motor displays does not enable a client to break the routine. Significantly, whether superstitiously motivated or not, perseveration is an almost defining feature of an obsessive-compulsive ritual."
Very simply put — superstitious behavior, while based on irrational and illogical thought, usually doesn't interfere with a person's daily functioning and is driven by personal belief. In a person with OCD, behavior is also based on unsound logic, but their compulsions are aimed at relieving uncontrolled anxiety and can, in severe cases, interfere with daily functioning. A person with OCD realizes the irrationality or inappropriateness of their behavior but may feel incapable of stopping the ritual. In short, OCD and superstitious behavior are not the same.
Treatment for OCD
Obsessive-compulsive disorder can only be diagnosed and treated by a qualified provider, like a psychiatrist. The diagnostic process does look a little bit different for everyone and depends on several different factors. However, steps for a positive diagnosis can include:
- Physical examination to rule out other physiological concerns causing OCD symptoms and to check for any related complications.
- Psychological evaluation, which may include discussing behavior with family or friends, asking the person questions about their symptoms, and so on.
- Ensuring that symptoms are not better attributed to another diagnosis.
Treatment is aimed at symptom relief, as there is no known cure for OCD to date. This may include the following types of psychotherapy:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Exposure and response prevention (ERP) — a subset of CBT that involves desensitization to a feared object or obsession. It also involves learning habits and ways to cope with anxiety.
- Group and family sessions.
- Deep brain stimulation and other alternative therapies, if a client doesn't respond to traditional treatments.
Medications are sometimes prescribed as a form of treatment as well. Please make sure to consult with your prescribing physician before starting a new medication, stopping a medication, or modifying your medication routine.
It is important to note that behaviors or thoughts that may be seen as superstitious could also be attributed to another medical or mental health condition that is not obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is part of why it is so crucial to see a professional for a diagnosis if something is going on that impacts you or your life in a way that is unfavorable.
Getting help
What if what you’re going through feels like more than superstition? Behavior that is experienced as excessive, intrusive, and beyond a person's control may require professional attention. Often, therapeutic support is needed for individuals who may be living with obsessive-compulsive disorder and other mental health conditions. BetterHelp is an online therapy platform with licensed providers who can provide this assistance. With BetterHelp, you can participate in therapy from the comfort of your own home.
Online therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy for a range of conditions including OCD. In fact, research has found that in some cases, patients can see a definitive reduction in their OCD symptoms in a shorter amount of time through online therapy with the same level of long-term management and control.
Whether online or in person, you do not need a diagnosis to start seeing a therapist; so, if you are still pursuing a diagnosis, it doesn’t mean that you have to hold back from reaching out for help. No matter where you are in your journey, you deserve to establish the support you need.
What is an example of superstitious behavior in psychology?
Superstitious behavior in psychology refers to the irrational belief that a specific action or behavior can influence unrelated events. It often arises from a false correlation between an action and a subsequent outcome. One classic example of superstitious behavior comes from B.F. Skinner's experiments with animals, specifically pigeons. In these studies, Skinner accidentally discovered that pigeons could develop superstitious behaviors under certain conditions.
In one experiment, Skinner placed hungry pigeons in a controlled environment where they received food at regular intervals, regardless of their behavior. The pigeons began to associate any behavior they happened to be performing at the moment the food was delivered with the reward. As a result, they started repeating these behaviors, believing that it would lead to more food, showing that an animal could develop superstitious behaviors.
What is the root of many superstitious behaviors?
The root of many superstitious behaviors can be traced to several psychological and cognitive factors. While superstitions can vary across cultures and individuals, some common explanations include:
- Pattern Recognition: Humans have a natural inclination to recognize patterns and make connections to create meaning between events. This cognitive tendency and understanding helps us to build knowledge and make sense of the world around us. However, it can also lead to the formation of superstitious beliefs when individuals perceive correlations between unrelated events.
- Control and Uncertainty: Superstitions often arise from a desire for control, especially in situations where individuals feel an absence of control or face uncertainty. Engaging in superstitious behaviors may provide a sense of control or a perceived influence over outcomes, even when such behaviors have no logical connection to the desired outcome.
- Illusory Correlation: People may form superstitious beliefs when they incorrectly perceive a correlation between an action and an outcome. This illusory correlation occurs when individuals overestimate the relationship between two unrelated events, leading them to believe that one causes the other even if this is not necessarily true.
- Conditioning and Reinforcement: Superstitious behaviors can develop through a process of conditioning, where individuals associate a specific behavior with the likelihood of a positive outcome. If a particular action coincides with a desirable result, it may reinforce the behavior, even if the behavior did not cause the outcome.
Is superstition a mental illness?
Superstition itself is not considered a mental illness. The difference between the two is that superstitions are irrational beliefs or practices that arise from a variety of psychological, cultural, and social factors but don’t occur due to any mental or physical disorder. While superstitions may involve certain thought patterns or behaviors that deviate from logical or evidence-based thinking, they do not constitute a mental illness on their own.
What causes superstitious behaviors?
Superstitious behaviors can arise from a combination of psychological, cognitive, cultural, and social factors. Here are some key contributors to the development of superstitious behaviors:
- Pattern Recognition
- Control and Uncertainty
- Illusory Correlation
- Conditioning and Reinforcement
- Cognitive Biases
- Anxiety and Stress Reduction
- Cultural and Social Influences
- Random Reinforcement
How is superstitious behavior acquired?
Superstitious behavior is often acquired through a process of associative learning, conditioning, and reinforcement. If a behavior is followed by a positive outcome or reinforcement, even if it is coincidental, an individual may associate that behavior with the desired outcome. For example, if someone engages in a specific behavior and experiences good luck or a positive event, they may develop a superstitious belief that the behavior caused the positive outcome.
What is an example of superstitious reinforcement?
Superstitious reinforcement occurs when a behavior is accidentally reinforced, leading an individual to associate that behavior with a positive outcome. Here's an example to illustrate superstitious reinforcement:
Imagine a student who is preparing for a big exam. This student is feeling stressed and anxious about the upcoming test. One day, while studying, the student absentmindedly taps their pencil on the desk. Shortly after, they receive a message notifying them that the exam has been postponed to a later date.
Now, from a logical standpoint, the act of tapping a pencil has no influence on the scheduling of exams. However, due to the coincidental timing of tapping the pencil and receiving positive news, the student might form a superstitious belief that tapping the pencil brings good luck or somehow influences positive outcomes.
As a result, the student may engage in the superstitious behavior of tapping the pencil each time they study, believing that it is linked to positive outcomes such as exam postponements. This is an example of superstitious reinforcement because the behavior (tapping the pencil) is reinforced by the positive outcome (postponed exam), even though there is no causal connection between the two.
Is superstition a form of OCD?
Superstition itself is not a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but there can be overlap between superstitious beliefs and certain features of OCD. OCD is a mental health disorder characterized by intrusive, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) performed to alleviate anxiety or prevent a feared event.
How do I stop superstitious behavior?
If you find that superstitious behavior is causing distress or interfering with your daily life, you may consider taking steps to reduce or stop these behaviors. Here are some strategies that might be helpful:
- Awareness and Recognition: Start by becoming aware of your superstitious behaviors. Notice when you engage in them and the situations that trigger them.
- Recognize that superstitious beliefs are not based on logical or evidence-based reasoning.
- Challenge Irrational Beliefs: Analyze the beliefs that underlie your superstitious behaviors. Ask yourself if there is any logical basis for these beliefs. Challenge irrational thoughts by examining evidence and considering alternative, more rational explanations.
- Behavioral Modification: Gradually expose yourself to situations that trigger superstitious behavior without engaging in the ritual or belief. Use a step-by-step approach, gradually reducing the frequency or intensity of the behavior.
- Mindfulness and Mind-Body Techniques: Practice mindfulness to stay present in the moment and observe your thoughts without judgment. Mindfulness can help you detach from irrational beliefs. Incorporate relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, to manage anxiety associated with the urge to perform superstitious behaviors.
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): You may consider seeking the guidance of a mental health professional, especially one trained in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT can help you identify and challenge irrational beliefs, change maladaptive thought patterns, and develop healthier coping strategies.
- Gradual Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP): If superstitious behaviors are linked to anxiety, ERP, a specific form of CBT, may be particularly beneficial. This involves gradually exposing yourself to anxiety-provoking situations and resisting the urge to engage in the superstitious behavior.
How do superstitions affect human behavior?
Superstitions can affect human behavior in various ways, influencing thoughts, emotions, and actions. Here are some of the ways in which superstitions impact human behavior:
- Decision-Making: Superstitions can influence decision-making processes. Individuals may make choices based on superstitions rather than on rational or evidence-based reasoning.
- Anxiety and Stress: Superstitions can contribute to anxiety and stress, especially if individuals believe that certain actions or behaviors are necessary to avoid negative outcomes. Anxiety may arise from the fear of violating superstitious rituals.
- Performance and Confidence: Superstitions can impact performance and confidence levels. Some individuals may believe that adhering to certain rituals or behaviors brings good luck at sporting events or in life, and failing to do so may lead to a lack of confidence or perceived negative consequences.
- Sense of Control: Engaging in superstitious behaviors can provide individuals with a sense of control, even in situations where outcomes are uncertain or beyond their control. This perceived control can contribute to a feeling of safeness.
- Coping Mechanism: Superstitions can serve as coping mechanisms in times of stress or uncertainty. Engaging in specific rituals or behaviors may provide a sense of comfort and alleviate anxiety.
What are superstitious tendencies?
Superstitious tendencies refer to a person's inclination or predisposition to engage in superstitious beliefs and behaviors. These tendencies involve the adoption of irrational beliefs or rituals based on the belief that they can influence events, outcomes, or luck. Superstitious tendencies can manifest in various forms and degrees, and they are often influenced by cultural, social, and individual factors.
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